36. The "Unsubscribe" Technique
Tell you potential subscribers there is no risk as they can unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked. It will remind them even if they subscribe that they can unsubscribe any time if they don't like your list.
37. The "E-mail Me" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that you would like to hear from them about how you can improve your e-mailings. You could tell them you regularly survey your existing subscribers for their opinions and what they would like to see from your list.
38. The "Keep It Free" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you may be charging for your e-zine in the future but if they subscribe now, their subscription will always be free. People will want to subscribe quickly so they can lock in their free subscription.
39. The "I'll Pay You" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you will pay them to subscribe. You could have a "subscribers only" affiliate program for one of your products. They will feel privileged and know they will have less competition to make commissions.
40. The "Easy Form" Technique
Tell you potential subscribers how easy it is to subscribe. Remind them they only need to type their first name and e-mail address or say all they have to do is send an e-mail to a certain subscription e-mail address.
41. The "Budget It" Technique
Tell potential subscribers about your e-zine in free advertising locations. It could be free classified web sites, forums, blogs, chat room profiles, e- mail discussion lists, list building sites, give away sites, etc. Most of the locations you can just add a signature ad to your post.
42. The "Subscribers-Only" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get access to a free subscriber-only community. It could be a forum, message board, chat room, blog, etc. Your subscribers will feel special and privileged to only have access to it. They will like to communicate with other people that are interested in the same topics.
43. The "Barter Everything" Technique
Tell other e-zine/list publishers or web site owners you'll trade ads with them. It could be classified ads, text links, top sponsor ads, solo ads, banner ads, autoresponder ads, thank you ads, pop up ads, etc.
44. The "I'll Be There" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you offer 24/7 e-mail support. People want to know you'll always be there for them. Many problems can arise, like people not getting your e-mails, not being able to unsubscribe, questions about your offers, etc.
45. The "My Advice" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you'll offer free consulting via e-mail if they opt-in. This is similar to customer support but their questions will be more about the topic of your list. You may want to train and hire someone to answer all the questions or set up an e-mail ticket system.
46. The "Snooze You Lose" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers you will be offering a specific free bonus to the next 1000 subscribers. If they want the bonus, they will subscribe. You are also persuading them to subscribe right away with your limited time bonus.
47. The "Famous Guest" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the names of the guest authors that contribute articles or content to your list. You could even list some of their professional accomplishments and credentials. People may subscribe just to learn more about them and their knowledge.
48. The "Skim It" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers your e-zine or list is easy to skim through and read. You could tell them you have a table of contents, clickable links, that you’ve divided each section up, it's not full of techno jargon, etc.
49. The "Full Of Help" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that each issue is full of helpful web site links and resources. People want to learn about new web sites, resources, products, information, tools and advice that will help them accomplish their goals.
50. The "Total Them Up" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many subscribers you already have. People will see how many subscribers you already have and if you have a lot, they will know your list is good. They will feel they are missing out if they don't opt-in.
51. The "A Long Time" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many years you have been publishing your e-zine. If you've been publishing it for a long time, people will assume your opt-in list has high quality information and will be valuable to them.
52. The "Personal Touch"
Technique Show your potential subscribers a picture of yourself on your subscription page and tell them a little about yourself. Pictures will give your list a personal touch that could persuade them to opt-in. You could tell them about all your personal and business accomplishments.
53. The "Gift Subscription" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can sign up someone else with a gift subscription when they subscribe. People will like it that you care about other people in their lives. Many people like to give things to people they know and love.
54. The "Work Involved" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how long it takes you to write or compile each issue. People will see just how much work is involved in publishing your list or e-zine. It will give your list a highly perceived value.
55. The "Goes Both Ways" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers how many pages are in each issue. This can persuade people that a lot of information is more valuable or a small amount of information will save them time. It can go both ways.
56. The "What You Missed" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the latest issue can be accessed within minutes of subscribing. People like to be rewarded instantly for filling out an opt-in form. They will want to see what they missed when they weren’t subscribed.
57. The "Only Mine" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will learn information that's not found anywhere else inside your e-zine. People will realize that they will miss out on valuable information if they don't opt-in to your list.
58. The "Stay Current" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that your e-zine has the newest, most up-to- date information. People want information that isn’t outdated. They want to stay current on the latest news, trends, strategies, tips, products, etc.
59. The "Why Subscribe?" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the benefits of subscribing to your list. Depending on your topic, it could be making money, losing weight, increasing sales, reliving pain, stopping addiction, improving relationships, increasing mind power, etc.
60. The "How Often?" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they can choose how often they want to receive your e-zine or list. You could have an every day version, once a week version, twice a week version and a once a month version. You could combine all or most of the little versions into a bigger version.
61. The "Cold Hard Facts" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers each issue contains cold hard facts and is 100% accurate. People don't want information that is wrong or based solely on opinion. They don’t want to take advice that could turn out making their 35 lives harder.
62. The "Battle Tested" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers that the information in your e-zine content is proven and tested. People like information that has already been used. If it's a fact that your information works, then it should work for them too and they will opt-in.
63. The "Autograph" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers they will get one autographed e-zine issue by mail when they subscribe. If you’re a famous marketer, it may tempt them to subscribe. You could even offer them a print subscription for a fee.
64. The "Ratio Of Visitors" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers the ratio of people that opt-in to your list. For example, 1 out of 3 visitors subscribe. People want to opt-in to popular lists, especially if the ratio is really high.
65. The "Plenty Of Ways" Technique
Tell your potential subscribers there are plenty of ways to subscribe to your list, like by e-mail, web form or one click. People like to have choice in certain matters. When you give them a choice, they are more likely to choose than walk away without subscribing.
Part I
Part II
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